Étienne Fiola

Travel Trade Manager
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Having worked at Le Québec maritime since 2016, Étienne is very familiar with every corner of our regions. Whether you are looking for training, partnerships, representation at events or tour accompaniment, he will be able to help you and guide you towards the many experiences offered by our tourism partners.

At work, I particularly love…
Introducing people to our regions during fam tours!

In our team, I’m the one who…
Eats like a teenager.

Outside work, I’m often…  
In the woods, near a lake, in the mountains… in nature, in other words!

If I was an animal from the maritime regions of Québec, I’d be…
A moose because I feel at home in the forest and also because I’m curious, tall and sometimes goofy-looking!

One day I’ll visit…
New Zealand, for its majestic landscapes, outdoor activities and Maori culture… And also to see where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed!

In my suitcase, you’ll always find…
My explorer’s hat!

One of my favourite parts of the maritime regions of Québec is…
The mountains!

I confess, I really love…
Playing Dungeons and Dragons! 🙂 It’s always a good excuse to get together with friends, throw dice, make stuff up and have a good laugh!

It can be annoying, but I have a habit of…
Speaking very loudly without noticing! I’m someone who naturally has a powerful voice and my theatre experiences in high school led me to project my voice even more.

I don’t want to brag, but I’m rather good at…
DIY. When I’m not out in nature, I’m probably hammering, drilling or sawing something at home!