Are you inspired by Québec by the Sea? Do you want to write about Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord or the Îles de la Madeleine? You are in the right place to find a wealth of information that will help you write about the maritime regions of Québec or plan a media trip to visit us!
Contact Us
Suzie Loiselle
Suzie is our Atlantic puffin, also nicknamed sea parrot, because she always wears colourful scarves and loves to joke around! Suzie waded into media relations in 2007 and still today she enjoys promoting this destination that she loves so much.
Mélodie Schaeffer
Mélodie is our northern gannet with her ocean blue eyes and her love for the seaside. She will help you create tour itineraries and make reservations. She is also the one who will give you access to our online media library.
Our Services
Are you looking for story ideas, photos to accompany your articles or information about our regions’ must-see attractions? All this and more is available in our media section and in our media kit.
Le Québec maritime also offers personalized media tours organized in collaboration with its affiliated organizations, its partners and the Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec. Your trip will include stunning scenery, opportunities to observe wildlife, activities for all tastes, delicious regional cuisine and encounters with friendly local people!
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Our Media Library
The Québec Maritime Media Library provides you with hundreds of photos and videos, available when you need them, to illustrate your articles. Register now for this free service.
Media Kit
Our media kit will give you an overview of the unique appeal of the maritime regions of Québec, presented according to the following themes: The St. Lawrence, Outdoor Fun, Road Trips, Wildlife, Gourmet Delights, Unusual Accommodations, Winter, and Festivities.
Download the media kit.
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Read our blog to find out more about our regions!