The Québec maritime Blog

Odds and Ends

5 Lighthouses, 5 Fascinating Stories about Lightkeepers

   |   By Patrick Matte

The lighthouses of the St. Lawrence have witnessed significant moments in the country’s maritime history. This is also true of the lightkeepers and their families, courageous pioneers whose mission was to make navigation on the St. Lawrence safer. Find out more about these lightkeepers, who left their mark on the history of our regions and still spark our imagination today.

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Top 3: Your Best Photos of Cultural Discoveries on Instagram

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

A vacation in our regions offers many opportunities to capture magical moments, memorable encounters and cultural discoveries of all kinds. Eastern Quebec is known for its rich maritime heritage, which you can discover during your next visit! In the meantime, here’s our top three of your best photos inspired by our culture.

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Top 3: Your Best Wildlife Photos on Instagram

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

Whether you’re in the forest or along the coast, in the mountains or out at sea, you’re very likely to encounter wildlife during your vacation in Eastern Québec. And if what you’re sharing on social media is any indication, lots of you are taking great photos of wildlife in our regions! We recently put out a call for your photos in our newsletter: as promised, here’s our top three of your best wildlife photos on Instagram.

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