The Québec maritime Blog

Îles de la Madeleine

A green archipelago surrounded by white-sand beaches and red cliffs, the windswept Îles de la Madeleine exert a magnetic attraction. Located in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Islands are ideal for wind and sea sports. Fish and seafood abound in local restaurants, including the renowned Island lobster.

The natural beauty of the archipelago also inspires the many talented local artisans who create unique works of art for you to take home.

The Islands offer a contrasting but just as lovely scene in the winter. Offering unusual activities such as paraskiing and seal pups observation, it is also possible to discover the archipelago while hiking or snowshoeing.

To plan your trip, check our Îles de la Madeleine section.


Fair Winds...

   |   By Marie-Julie Gagnon

When I think of the Îles de la Madeleine, the wind is present in all of my memories. Strong winds and gentle breezes... Winds that gust and winds that caress the skin... Winds that lift skirts and snatch at hair pieces... Winds that change the landscape, even.

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Éric Marchand: Wind in His Sails

   |   By Le Québec maritime

In the late 1990s, Éric Marchand opened Aérosport, Canada’s first kitesurfing school, in the Îles de la Madeleine. Today, he continues to promote kiting sports, and his school has earned an excellent reputation.

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13 Establishments with 4-Star Accommodations

   |   By Olivier Pierson

There’s nothing wrong with pampering yourself, especially when you’re on vacation. After all, vacations are all about taking time away from the everyday, so why not treat yourself to a first-class inn, hotel, resort or outfitter where every detail is considered?

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